Gean Guilherme 21, resident of Morro Santo Amaro, a slum located in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro. Despite the lack of access that a young peripheral person experiences, from a very early age he was able to have contact with technology, which allowed him to connect and immerse himself in the world of the internet where he started to study and learn about audiovisual in a self-taught way. Today, inserted in the market and living on the profession, he won a full scholarship and is studying the second period of Design at PUC-Rio. He is a member of Ademafia, a skateboarding collective and aims to pass on the knowledge acquired to young people in his favela, making use of technology and placing the favela on the virtual map.

It aims to make use of NFT platforms and direct funds for social impact in the favela, providing opportunities for young people and children who live there.

He has knowledge in image editing, animation, photography, video, virtual and augmented reality; and 3D modeling, are some of the things he is passionate about doing and studying.

Gean Guilherme é um artista digital de 22 anos, estudante de tecnologias imersivas tridimensionais. Cursando Design na PUC-Rio. Nascido e criado no Morro Santo Amaro, uma favela localizada na Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro. Desenvolve o projeto SocialCryptoart, que usa a tecnologia de NFTs para direcionar fundos e apoiar projetos de impacto social na favela. Ele é também o fundador da 2050, laboratório de inovação e tecnologia que busca estudar o futuro da favela através de novas tecnologias, impulsionando jovens a descobrir o universo criativo. Sua pesquisa se baseia no estudo do futuro na favela, utilizando equipamentos tecnológicos como óculos de Realidade Virtual, scanners, computadores e projeções para desenvolver projetos de arte e inovação social.